Mocha Mocha Feb 15th, 2008
Americans love coffee. Could this be the reason the cup-o-coffee is such a common design element? While scanning through sites, I have come across hot beverages as design elements, all to often. While this may be fitting for sites like Tazo, what is the importance for design firm sites, or other genres that have nothing to do with warm caffeinated beverages?
I will be the first to admit that it is a great, generic design element. The problem with that statement is in the need for the element. Many sites would probably still work, maybe even better at times, with just the space. I guess I am addressing the idea that every element in a design should serve a purpose.
Coding Monkeys is a design studio. They have laid out their site in a way, which portrays their service as an everyday need. What a great idea. The thought that everything could have a good design is so compelling to people whom like to look at things. And last time I checked, this would include most everyone. The cup fits in their design because most people can relate to a cup of coffee, as with an iPod, mouse, or micro-recorder. (Please excuse their apparent apple bias.)
GNV & Partners is another design firm that thought coffee would trigger some curiosity. This cup has been place to compliment the desk feel. I think this says the company is calm and easy going. It suggests this workplace will work on your project from morning till night.
I am not sure that I have an answer for the cup of coffee or any other design element that simply fills space. While many objects say something, I am not sure every object is needed to convey a company?Äôs message. My fear, as is with many sites, is the cup of coffee has been added simply because it looks good. Design should go beyond just looking good. Design really says something more then ?Äúmy, what a beautiful collage of elements.?Äù The web seems all to often to be a collage of elements. Well-designed sites take it farther then that.